Because of its more organic shapes, I prefer working in XPS foam for fantasy terrain over materials like styrene or lasercut MDF. As always when building terrain, the actual materials are pretty varied. Cardboard, metal beads, balsa and basswood, toothpicks, and other bits and bobs are all used to tie things together.
I try with my stonework to avoid simple, flat grays in favor of more complex mottled colors. This adds both realism and visual interest to what would otherwise be defined purely by its shape.

Post Apocalyptic
The Big Bore Wasteland is an alternate setting developed for GF9’s 15mm skirmish game Tanks. All of the original terrain pieces included with the game (buildings, forests) were recreated in a Mad Max-inspired style, along with all of the fortifications from the Normandy organized play kit and a set of smoke markers.
Because of the small scale, styrene was primarily used to give the structures their shape. This was combined with some miniature components, sticks, cork, sand, foamcore, and texture paste.