I have a bit of a fascination with maps, as anyone who’s seen my bookshelves will attest to. Like so many others, I spent a long time as a youngling poring over the maps at the beginnings of fantasy novels. I’d trace the journey of the heroes and marvel at lands and landmarks yet to be explored.
As an adult, I’ve made any number of my own settings real by mapping them out. These are some of the more satisfying projects I’ve had the pleasure of illustrating.

Character Sheets
I love creating custom character sheets for roleplaying games. These fall into one of two categories: a prop for the whole group to create a more diagetic experience, or a little art project to occupy myself as a player between turns.
Here are some of the sheets I’ve made over the years, with the systems represented being almost as diverse as the characters themselves. Most are completely my own work, but some make use of public domain images.

Other Illustration
These pieces may have been created for larger projects, or just on a lark. They vary in age, quality, and seriousness.