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I enjoy painting miniatures, but it’s never been my favorite part of the hobby. I’d rather be hacking off limbs to create uncalled-for kitbashes, or building a crypt brick-by-brick. As such, my I tend to paint things to a “tabletop standard” and leave it at that. Still, I love experimenting with gritty, alternative color schemes.

Calixis Squad

I’ve never actually been a 40k player, though I’ve collected any number of models, codexes, rulebooks etc. When Shadow War Armageddon was released, I jumped at the chance to try something casual and skirmish-level in the universe, so I painted these stern blokes up in a weekend. The storage box is a cheap brand of “Tabac” from the Calixis sector, complete with imperial customs seal. I bought some rolling tobacco and rubbed it into the wood to make sure it smelled genuine.

Big Bore Wasteland

These post-apocalyptic interpretations of WWII tanks were tons of fun to paint. Throwing the rules out the window for what they could look like made every model a fun creative exercise. Have a look in the terrain section to see the corresponding pieces I built for this game.